Who's that girl? (Who am I?)

Who am I to tell who I am for one can tell better from afar.

But if I may, I’ll try to tell you anyway.
I’m named Shim Lei after a famous Chinese princess that only my father knew who. I often think that he just made it, I’ve practically spent an entire day on google for that, what seemed to be, forgotten princess.  I hope fate won’t be the same for me.

I love everything that’s spontaneous, I’m a drifter—or so I believe. But I’ve got humble plans too, graduating in law school (on time), passing the bar (1 take), set up my own law firm, marry my soul mate, have a childless family (half meant) and travel a lot! Oh, HELP a lot too. (Dreams are free. So dream big! LOL.)

I can’t say that I have a deep passion for writing, that’s too ambitious to say. I have high regards for writers. I just write what I feel and get the feel of what I write. I can get too much involved in writing and at times forget about it. You see, I’m spontaneous and I’m taking that positively (Convincing myself here)! When I was in college, I wanted to write with high-faluting words to impress my potential readers but I figured—you write to communicate not to generate hate! (Just a lousy observation)

I’d like to think that I’m a dancer. Ever since I was a child, I wouldn’t miss a dance presentation at school, I’d curse my teacher if I’m not chosen to dance! I’ve received couple of awards in dancing from Division, Provincial, Regional and National levels BUT those were the days when I had size 24-25 waistline, what can I say? I sweat out everything I eat! And please don’t ask me about my waistline now; we can’t disappoint ourselves so much over numbers--can we?

I’m quite a public speaker as well, not because I talk a lot and aloud in public, for sure, that would be a bad joke to crack, right? But because I have been sent to competitions to talk in public, memorized or impromptu—those kind of stuff. Did I enjoy? POSITIVE! Of course you know that my heart pounds every time I talk in a big crowd especially when they (pretend) to listen intently. I always try to convince myself that nobody is perfect and if one or two people (or maybe all of them) in the crowd were born with public speaking prowess, well, I’m not! I have to work for it. (SIGH)

Okay, where’s this self-into taking us? TOGETHER. LOL! (I had a good laugh there) I just want to say that I am very nervous to have a blog that can be seen publicly (finally) because I have one that’s more like a diary—I’m calling it BLOGARY. But I’m doing this now to improve.  When you know that other people will read what you wrote, you’ll have chills, can’t stop thinking, can’t eat, can’t talk, can’t laugh and can hardly breathe (of course those are all fictions of my exaggerated imagination).

Let’s get it on! I’m going to write about anything that caught my attention, fashion, music, movies, books, life and feelings.

This is my public BLOGARY. Be my guest.

Live in love <3


Yuri Choi said...

Hey Babe! I'd like to follow your blog. Please include an icon up there that says "Follow this site" :) Miss you!

ShimieL said...

Hi, honey! I missed you.LOL! Since it's your suggestion, I'll take it that you know how to place an icon that says, "Follow this site." Where do I start with that? I wanna follow your "TheBigMouth" too!

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Who's that girl? (Who am I?)

Who am I to tell who I am for one can tell better from afar.

But if I may, I’ll try to tell you anyway.
I’m named Shim Lei after a famous Chinese princess that only my father knew who. I often think that he just made it, I’ve practically spent an entire day on google for that, what seemed to be, forgotten princess.  I hope fate won’t be the same for me.

I love everything that’s spontaneous, I’m a drifter—or so I believe. But I’ve got humble plans too, graduating in law school (on time), passing the bar (1 take), set up my own law firm, marry my soul mate, have a childless family (half meant) and travel a lot! Oh, HELP a lot too. (Dreams are free. So dream big! LOL.)

I can’t say that I have a deep passion for writing, that’s too ambitious to say. I have high regards for writers. I just write what I feel and get the feel of what I write. I can get too much involved in writing and at times forget about it. You see, I’m spontaneous and I’m taking that positively (Convincing myself here)! When I was in college, I wanted to write with high-faluting words to impress my potential readers but I figured—you write to communicate not to generate hate! (Just a lousy observation)

I’d like to think that I’m a dancer. Ever since I was a child, I wouldn’t miss a dance presentation at school, I’d curse my teacher if I’m not chosen to dance! I’ve received couple of awards in dancing from Division, Provincial, Regional and National levels BUT those were the days when I had size 24-25 waistline, what can I say? I sweat out everything I eat! And please don’t ask me about my waistline now; we can’t disappoint ourselves so much over numbers--can we?

I’m quite a public speaker as well, not because I talk a lot and aloud in public, for sure, that would be a bad joke to crack, right? But because I have been sent to competitions to talk in public, memorized or impromptu—those kind of stuff. Did I enjoy? POSITIVE! Of course you know that my heart pounds every time I talk in a big crowd especially when they (pretend) to listen intently. I always try to convince myself that nobody is perfect and if one or two people (or maybe all of them) in the crowd were born with public speaking prowess, well, I’m not! I have to work for it. (SIGH)

Okay, where’s this self-into taking us? TOGETHER. LOL! (I had a good laugh there) I just want to say that I am very nervous to have a blog that can be seen publicly (finally) because I have one that’s more like a diary—I’m calling it BLOGARY. But I’m doing this now to improve.  When you know that other people will read what you wrote, you’ll have chills, can’t stop thinking, can’t eat, can’t talk, can’t laugh and can hardly breathe (of course those are all fictions of my exaggerated imagination).

Let’s get it on! I’m going to write about anything that caught my attention, fashion, music, movies, books, life and feelings.

This is my public BLOGARY. Be my guest.

Live in love <3


Yuri Choi said...

Hey Babe! I'd like to follow your blog. Please include an icon up there that says "Follow this site" :) Miss you!

ShimieL said...

Hi, honey! I missed you.LOL! Since it's your suggestion, I'll take it that you know how to place an icon that says, "Follow this site." Where do I start with that? I wanna follow your "TheBigMouth" too!

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