One day, I’m gonna make the onions cry…

It sounds downright hilarious, ain’t it? I felt the same way reading it the first time, and just like any other funny things you've stumbled upon, I brushed this one aside. Few seconds gone by and I hurriedly went back to read this line again and realized that it bears some depth in it.

Not all of us tried to slice onions but for sure, we all heard that it makes everybody cry without ever making an effort to break our hearts. Allium cepa (onions), once sliced, cells are broken, permitting alliinases enzyme to break down amino acid sulfoxides and generate sulfenic acids that cause eye irritation. But we’re not going to do hara-kiri (suicide) in this cerebral discussion of scientific terms and what not!

What I really want to say is that, there are people in this world, and they sprout themselves everywhere, make it a career being onions! In their smelly disposition (literally or figuratively, whichever fits them better), they love making other people cry.  And I really can’t understand why (them) people resort to destroying others? Where does this unfathomable ruthlessness come from?

I guess it's safe to say that this onion attitude was passed on from one generation to another and so on. The parents didn’t know better but mirror what them old parents taught them. Somehow, we can’t really blame onion people. And just like how we see real onions, they are irritating to the eyes but important to the kitchen. No matter how it makes you cry, onions give you more reasons to spice up your life!

If you happen to read this, let’s not be an onion to our kind, even animals demand respect. Let’s be responsible of our words and actions because, (aside from the reality of life being a cheap commodity nowadays), what we say defines who we are.

If you keep on talking negative things about others, put them down or look down at them, try to destroy them to advance yourself from the competition or you just find pleasure in hurting people, back off! You’re not helping yourself or some masters that you’re trying to please.

Remember Karma? It exists. For even in His words; don’t do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you.

Don’t wait for that day, I'm gonna make the onions cry...

If you want to read more of my blogs, please click that blue button that says "Join this Site" at the left hand corner of this blog. <3


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One day, I’m gonna make the onions cry…

It sounds downright hilarious, ain’t it? I felt the same way reading it the first time, and just like any other funny things you've stumbled upon, I brushed this one aside. Few seconds gone by and I hurriedly went back to read this line again and realized that it bears some depth in it.

Not all of us tried to slice onions but for sure, we all heard that it makes everybody cry without ever making an effort to break our hearts. Allium cepa (onions), once sliced, cells are broken, permitting alliinases enzyme to break down amino acid sulfoxides and generate sulfenic acids that cause eye irritation. But we’re not going to do hara-kiri (suicide) in this cerebral discussion of scientific terms and what not!

What I really want to say is that, there are people in this world, and they sprout themselves everywhere, make it a career being onions! In their smelly disposition (literally or figuratively, whichever fits them better), they love making other people cry.  And I really can’t understand why (them) people resort to destroying others? Where does this unfathomable ruthlessness come from?

I guess it's safe to say that this onion attitude was passed on from one generation to another and so on. The parents didn’t know better but mirror what them old parents taught them. Somehow, we can’t really blame onion people. And just like how we see real onions, they are irritating to the eyes but important to the kitchen. No matter how it makes you cry, onions give you more reasons to spice up your life!

If you happen to read this, let’s not be an onion to our kind, even animals demand respect. Let’s be responsible of our words and actions because, (aside from the reality of life being a cheap commodity nowadays), what we say defines who we are.

If you keep on talking negative things about others, put them down or look down at them, try to destroy them to advance yourself from the competition or you just find pleasure in hurting people, back off! You’re not helping yourself or some masters that you’re trying to please.

Remember Karma? It exists. For even in His words; don’t do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you.

Don’t wait for that day, I'm gonna make the onions cry...

If you want to read more of my blogs, please click that blue button that says "Join this Site" at the left hand corner of this blog. <3


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